A Cherry Orchard in Maine...


by MK Wolfe
from the Ronald Meyer translation
of Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard

directed by Al D'Andrea

April 2018

A world premiere production

An ancestral farm with a unique cherry orchard in mid-coast Maine is about to be auctioned off for tax debt, and the soon-to-be-displaced family and their friends are at loggerheads as to what to do – develop the land?  Abandon the property?  Throw a party and forget about it?  Twelve unforgettable characters come together to determine the fate of the cherry orchard, and in the process, find out where they fit – or don’t fit – in the changing face of Maine



David Arthur Bachrach


Holly Brown


André T. Demers


Kim Gordon


Tom Handel


Christopher Horton


Laura Houck


Meredythe Dehne Lindsey


Jonathon D. Raines


Mary Randall


Casey Turner


David Lee Vincent


Dee the Dog

Stories and Reviews


A Chekhov play, adapted for Maine  |  207 News Magazine WCSH Channel 6

Snowlion Moves Chekhov's A Cherry Orchard to Knox County  |  Maine Today Magazine

Knox County Setting Suits Chekhov's Cherry Orchard Portland Press Herald Review

Getting Here from There:  MK Wolfe adapts Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard into a Maine play at Snowlion  |  Portland Phoenix Review

Pre-dawn in Knox County, Maine
Lily returns after a long absence
Housekeeper Dee Dee and Anna reunite
Sisters Veronica and Anna share news
Lily is glad groundskeeper Fiske is still alive
Former tenant farmer Jerry greets the family
Jerry expresses his desire to help Lily
Fiske remembers the old days
Leo speechifies about the old bookcase
Neighbor Charlotte declines to entertain the group
Neighbor Bernard asks for a loan
The family can't believe the cherry orchard will be sold
All share fond memories of the cherry orchard
Former tutor Peter brings back painful memories
Leo contemplates how to save the farm
Leo comes up with a 3-pronged attack
Lily's assistant Yank flirts with Dee Dee
Lovestruck Simon serenades Dee Dee as Yank hijacks the song
Dee Dee revels in the attention of her suitors
Lily reflects on her faults
Jerry endorses his solution to save the farm
Fiske remembers the way life used to be
Peter philosophizes on the homeless problem
The sun sets on a summer evening
A homeless man begs for some money
Veronica is upset Lily gave away so much
Peter speaks of a bright future
Anna and Peter desire to build a life together
Charlotte entertains at a summer party
Charlotte does magic tricks
Lily begs Peter to understand her dilemma
Lily chastises Peter for his strict morals
Fiske berates Yank for being 'number than a hake'
Yank begs Lily to return to Los Angeles
Dee Dee has fallen in love again
Simon is crushed by Dee Dee's wandering affections
Jerry is thrilled to have bought the cherry orchard
Lily is devastated by the loss of the cherry orchard
Anna promises her mother a better life to come
Jerry wants a goodbye toast with the family
Peter is off to university with a free spirit
Lily and Leo remember their childhoods on the farm
Jerry avoids proposing to Veronica
The family takes leave of their home, soon to be torn down
Lily keenly feels the loss of her youth and her past
Fiske has been left behind and forgotten
The cast and crew of 'A Cherry Orchard in Maine...'